Copy Player Layout for COC

Copy Player Layout for COC

This powerful feature can record any base layout you load in Clash of Clans for your War Base.

1. Turn ON the feature.

2. Then you can Visit/Scout/Replay/Search/Attack/Revenge any player.  Stay there for at least 5s. 

The layout data of the base you view will be saved automatically. Then return to your base.

Note: If you use Sandbox from Replay & Realtime Traps in Farming or Sandbox, or it’s Visit between clanmates or friends, you can also copy the Traps/Teslas.

 Also, note that once you use sandbox from replay, any base you visit will be the base you replayed. So turn OFF Sandbox from Replay if you wish to record other bases. 

3. Tap on the Base Layout Editor at the right edge. Then to the War Base Tab (IMPORTANT: Not Farm Base Tab). Then Tap Edit Layout.

4. The base you saved will be copied there. Edit the Traps and Tap Finish. Note: If the base load can see traps/teslas, you can also copy them here. 

5. For the next save, you have to turn ON this feature again. If you copied a farming base in the war base Save slot, tap on Copy Layout and Transfer it to Home Village Save slot.